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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I had a quilt in mind for the Block of the Month  #8 project, but it is going to take awhile, and my plate is too full as it is.  After making the pillowcase dress from last week, I had an epiphany.  How about a dress made from quilt blocks!

Since #8 is a simple block, it would work up quickly into a dress.  I used basically the same dimensions as the first pillowcase dress, adding a hem and yoke to make the dress long enough with the 12 inch blocks.  Here is the block and the fabrics I'm using.

Organic Cottons from Laurie Wisbrun
Stay tuned for the tutorial.

The Christmas stockings are coming along steadily.  The fabric line below is called Cherry Christmas by Aneela Hoey for Moda Fabrics.

Below is another little selvage project I finished this week.  This zippered bag is going to the gym with me to carry my shower stuff.  I tried out the free motion paisley stitch from Leah Day, and am linking up with her Free Motion Quilt Along.

Be sure to check out the  Freshly Pieced and Quiltsy Blogs to see other works in progress, and to link up your projects.

What are you working on?


  1. Super cute! I love how Paisley looks over all those strips!

  2. Oh wow, you are way ahead for Christmas! Great FMQing on the little pouch!

  3. Your creative use of homework is amazing!

  4. LOVE Leah Day's designs! Great job with the paisley quilting! And I'm sure the pillowcase dress with Laurie Wisbrun's fabric will look really cute. :)

  5. Ooo- I love the Paisley on your little bag - it looks really cute!
