Friday, November 12, 2010

Making a List

Making a list, checking it twice, I'm off to a quilt retreat and don't want to forget anything. 

 This year I am bringing some pre-cut fabric to sell, so have to remember all the stuff that goes along with that activity as well as personal effects and sewing supplies. 

My daughter and I always have a wonderful time at these annual retreats.  We stay up late, get a massage and a make-over, eat too much, go to fellowship (it's at a Christian Camp), and talk, talk, talk.  Oh, and we might get in a little quilting too.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, whatever you will be doing.

Happy Sewing ♥


  1. This sounds so wonderful!! I have two daughters and would love to have them to myself for a weekend like this. Enjoy!! Georgianne

  2. Have a wonderful time - I love retreats! blessings, marlene
