Sunday, November 15, 2009

1st Quilt Retreat, but not the Last!

My daughter and I just got back from our first ever quilt retreat.  We drove 3 hours into New Hampshire to a lovely Christian camp where we have attended  scrapbook retreats in the past.   About 50 other women were there.  We were divided into teams, and participated in a friendly competition as to which team accomplished the most over the weekend.  Points were awarded for each bobbin emptied, each block finished, and a 1000 points for a finished quilt.

1 of 2 quilt tops we completed for her teenage daughters

We had brought along two full size quilts to finish, and only got the tops of both pieced (next time we will take along smaller projects). Our team (the Dutch Roses) came in last in the competition, but it didn't really matter.  We had a good time together.  Each finished project got a huge round of applause from the whole group.

Arriving late Friday evening, we just had time to settle in and meet the other ladies.  Saturday was a full day of sewing, a little fabric shopping, a massage, and lots of good food and fellowship.  Because it is a Christian camp, Bible teachings and praise music are always part of the program, and help make these retreats so relaxing and fun.  Sunday was a little quilting, fellowship, lunch, and then the long drive home.

The girls chose the fabrics
and pattern for their quilts.
They are twins, but so different
from each other!

I think the best part was the time my daughter and I
got to spend together,away from our everyday responsibilities.

We didn't make this quilt top,
but my daughter wants to make one like it.  Isn't it gorgeous!


  1. Aren't retreats just fabulous? I just got back from my quilting retreat as well. We go to the Mercy Center on the shoreline of CT. A beautiful setting, peaceful, and serene. We do get quite a bit accomplished and love the time with friends. Your retreat sound really similar to mine and it looks like you had an equally fabulous time. Where in NH were you?

  2. Outside of Plainsfield. Are you familiar with the area? Singing Hills is the name of the camp.
