Lest you be misled by the title of this post, I am NOT going to be giving gift suggestions. In fact, I am in need of suggestions for the toughest family member to buy for - my Mom. Because of this, I left a comment in Kims Crafty Apple blog a week or so ago when she asked if anyone had gift giving dilemmas she could help out with.
Well, when I got home from church this morning, there was a message from Kim linking me to her blog where she had written up some very well thought out and practical ideas of gifts to give my Mom. I especially like her second idea:
"What about a fabulous getaway to a cozy bed and breakfast in the area? In Wisconsin, Door County is known for their bed and breakfasts and you can afford to do this type gift if you decide on an off-season time. Something cozy and romantic for a couple or relaxing for the single."
My Mom lives many miles away, and when she does come for a visit, I am often working for at least part of the time. I think she would really appreciate some time just for the two of us in a location without the daily distractions of home.
Some years back I tried something like this idea. I booked just the two of us for an canoe trip at Umgagog Lake in New Hampshire with a group of outdoorsy members of the Adirondack Mountain Club. We didn't know anyone, Mom had never really canoed before, and I wasn't feeling very well all week. But we had a marvelous time, and will never forget some of the funny and interesting things that happened.
Here is one of the scrapbook pages I did about the event.
Kim had other wonderful ideas to share, and I love her gift-giving theme. This time of year we can all use the help! Please check out her blog article here, and her wonderful Etsy shop here.
Here is one of the marvelous quilts you can find in her shop. I absolutely love the color scheme!
Yeah! I'm glad I could help out! I'll let you now if I think of anything else...I like to call myself the 'Queen' of gift giving :)