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Friday, May 1, 2015

Gift Crafting for Next Christmas - Shawls and Shawlettes

Prayer shawls, shawlettes for the office, cozy cover-ups, delicate lace for dressing up.  Shawls can be all of these things.  Plus, they are fun and interesting to knit.  If you search for "shawl" patterns on Ravelry, over 36,000 designs come up.  That is a lot of variety of styles, sizes, and shapes!

Shawlettes will make a great addition to your Christmas gift trove, should you choose to make some.  Most women will love them, and the more manly designs are slowly starting to appear in male attire as well.  They are a versatile accessory that can add charm and style to an outfit.

Pictured (top left to bottom right) are the Piper's Journey by Paula Emons-Fuessle , Pebble Beach Shawlette by Helen Stewart ,  Gallatin Scarf by Kris Basta, Endless Rainbow by Martina Behm,  Menehune by Mel Ski,  Brickless by Martina Behm, New Oaklet Shawl by Megan Goodacre, and another  Brickless by Martina Behm.

The last two (pictured below) are currently in progress on my needles:  Swedish Spring by Maria Montzka, and  Starshower by Hilary Smith Callis. 

Only 8 months until Christmas.
Let's get crafting♥

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog (so of course I had to visit yours!) I love the shawls you've hightlighted. I'd been thinking about Pebble Beach, that's my favorite size of shawlette right now. Happy Memorial Day weekend
