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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Making a Laminated Paper Doll

Quayside Publishing Group recently sent me a copy of Playing with Stencils by Amy Rice.  It is a fascinating book, with all kinds of information on how to design and cut stencils from your own drawings or photographs.  The book includes 20 step-by-step projects and a gallery of stencil designs for use on furniture, tiles, fabric, or any thing else you would like to infuse with your own personal style.

My granddaughter and I spent a pleasant hour making a paper doll from one of the included designs.  Here's how we did it. 

First she colored the paper doll and dresses with crayons.  Alternately, you could use watercolor pencils, or some other coloring medium.

I wanted the doll to be a little more durable, so came up with the idea of layering wide packing tape over the colored pieces before cutting them out.  You could also print the pattern on cardstock if you like.

It is fine if the coloring goes outside the lines, 
because you will be making everything nice and neat in the next step.

Cut out the doll and dresses.  

Choose a dress, fold the built in tabs over the dolls shoulders, and enjoy.

We found an oversized envelope to store everything between play sessions.  You can also design your own outfits for this doll, using the doll body as a stencil for sizing.

Enjoy ♥

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