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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful Sunday

I hope that your Thanksgiving weekend was fun, fulfilling, and relaxing.
This Retro Giclee print is available from SilvestroMedia

Ours was - we gathered at my daughter's home for a day of feasting, Wii game playing, and general sweet family time together.  It was a cooperative effort, so no one was overly burdened with cooking.  After we ate, we dismantled the turkey into soup and casserole, and went back to game playing.  Our motto this year was "keep it simple," and we all enjoyed the holiday.

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

  1. Hi-The images looks good on your blog-I followed you on pinterest and I see that you have a swimming image- Do you know of anyone that would be interested in connecting with a swimwear designer and wholesaler to offer swimwear at retail prices. I have images I can send it your interested or they are posted on my pinterest page. Cheers John
