Wednesday, October 10, 2012


 The pile of finished stockings grows....

I also decided how to finish my hexagon runner.  I've hand appliqued the hexagons to a background semi solid, cut away the background from behind the hexies, added layers of batting, and started to machine quilt it.

If I were to do it again, I would use two layers of batting instead of three behind the hexagons.  So far, I've broken two needles quilting through it.

So, that is what has been going on in my sewing room this week.

How about you, what have you been working on lately?
I've linked up with the Freshly Pieced, Fabric TuesdayWe Did It Wednesday, Adorned from Above,  and Quiltsy Blogs.  Be sure to check them out to see other works in progress, and link up your projects.


  1. Beautiful hexagon fabrics! It may be a pain to sew but I'm sure it will look great in the end.

  2. Lovely pile of stockings! Your colors are so happy and some of my favorite for the season!

    Your hexagon runner will be lovely! Sorry about the needles!

    Happy Wednesday!

  3. Your stockings look very cute. Is it Christmas already?

  4. Your stockings are so flippin' cute! Will you be selling them in your shop?

  5. These are so cute. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this and any other posts. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. It runs from Wednesday to Sundays.
    I hope to see you there. I am your newest follower, and I would love for your to follow me also. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  6. That's a big stack of fun looking Christmas stockings!

  7. You're certainly ahead with getting Christmas projects finished.

  8. Oh that fabric in the stocking pile is so appealing! Love it!

  9. Love the hexie table runner. I appliqued mine when I made my hexie pillow.
