Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thankful Sunday

Have you seen the movie Courageous?

I am thankful for the Christian movies that have been coming out lately.  The acting and story lines are getting better and better.  This weekend my husband, and a bunch of other men from our church, are meeting at a YMCA conference center to fellowship, learn, and encourage each other in their walk with God.  Their theme this year is Courageous, based on the movie, but I am sure will go much further than the movie story.

My husband went last year and had a great time.  His favorite part was navigating out of the woods on a challenge the men participated in.  He has a wonderful understanding of direction and maps and all that stuff, so he was good at that activity.  

I can't wait to hear what he learned this year at the advance.

What are you thankful for today?

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