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Monday, February 13, 2012

2012 Challenges

A lot of new challenges for 2012 are floating around Blogville.  I've seen book reading challenges, weight loss challenges, daily photo challenges, quilt block challenges, and scrap booking challenges.  I have the 12 Month Challenge running on this blog, as well as the Skywatch project.

One of the coolest challenges I've seen is the one running on Tabsolute's blog.  Monique from the Netherlands plans to make something new with pop top tabs every day this year.   Her goals for doing this project are:
* inspiration for new pop tab items
* improving her craft skills and learning new techniques
* improving her english
* blogging on a regular basis
* improving her photographing skills
* preserver to  keep doing this for a long period continuously

I really like this triptych she did on Faith, Hope, and Love.

She has fabulous pieces in her Etsy shop as well, like this pop tabs belt.

Be sure to check out her blog to see her daily pop top projects.

Are you running a challenge on your blog, or participating in any challenges this year?

Happy Crafting ♥


  1. I have challenged myself to "Post a new item a week". I've been following Monique's blog and agree with you~she's done some amazing stuff. My fave is still Tab Guy. Getting ready to add a 'de-clutter' challenge. Thanks for sharing Tabsolute!

    1. I am not familiar with Tab Guy. Do you have the link?

      Good for you posting a new item each week.

  2. I'm awarding you a Versatile Blogger Award:

    To pay it forward, create a post mentioning the award. Include 7 factoids about yourself in the post. Then list 15 blogs you'll bestow with a Versatile Blogger Award.

    Stitch Silly

  3. I love to see what other bloggers are challenging themselves to do! I just blogged about my latest challenge for myself as well.

    Glad I dropped by from the Etsy Blog Team.

  4. Love that belt! And the shapes are so creative!

  5. I have challenged myself to get up to 80 items listed in my Etsy shop. I don't know if that's worth blogging about though.

    The pop top belt is very cool! TFS

  6. I love challenges! They make me think and I actually create things I would have never thought to make. There are a gazillion graphic challenges out there but I wish I could find some more sewing challenges.
