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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thankful Sunday

This week, my husband and I traveled to NYC.  We are not NYC lovers.  In fact, I was a bit nervous about the whole adventure, but we had some appointments to keep and had to go.  And guess what - everything went fine!  I am thankful that the train, taxi, and subway rides we took went smoothly, and that we didn't get lost once.  We even had time for lunch between our appointments. 

Well, we did get quite wet from the drenching rain at one point, but other than that, had a pleasant experience.  I even learned a new expression - blocking the box.  It refers to the box formed in the middle of an intersection of cross roads.  I think it describes it well.  From now on I will know what to say to inconsiderate drivers who block the intersection when the light changes.  In NYC they give fines for that.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I would love to go to New York one day!
    Today I am thankful for selling my first crochet rose in my Etsy store! Besides that it was a pretty crap day but at least I have things to look forward to this week.

  2. I am afraid New York isn't on my list of places to visit as I am a bit of a country bumpkin and big cities just don't do anything for me. Today as in most days I am thankful for lots of things, my health, my family, my home etc.

  3. Hope you had a great time there despite the rain!
    I am very thankful for my warm home, supportive friends and being able to create!

  4. Hope you had great time there. It's been raining all day in my hometown. I'm so thankful for having great time with my family and boyfriend!

  5. I'm glad you had a smooth trip. I've only ever been to NYC two times, both for business. They were both good trips, but I don't feel much motivation to spend my vacations in big cities. I prefer wild, natural places, like Yellowstone or Crater Lake. I hope you got a chance to see the sights.

    I am thankful for my wonderful children. We had such a fun time together this weekend.

  6. Sounds like a great day. I love the city as long as I don't have to drive in it. We live near Chicago.

  7. Taking the train into the city is the way to go. I live near Philly and the train makes life so much easier. I don't enjoy city driving. Glad you had a good trip!

  8. I would NOT want to travel there at all!! UGH.
    I've been to chicago several times, San Francisco for MORE than my fair share of times, so I'll leave NYC for you :) Glad it went well.
