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Friday, December 23, 2011

Sky Watch

Isn't the sky amazing!  It is different every day, every hour sometimes.

My plan is to take a picture of the sky every day for a year.  I have a page on my blog for those of you who are interested in checking out this photo journal.  I started the journal on 12/12/2011, and if all goes well, I will finish on 12/12/12. 

Here's a video of The Afters - Light up the Sky for you to watch.  It doesn't have a lot to do with this project (other than its name), but I hope that you will enjoy it just the same.


  1. What a fun project! I look forward to seeing all your photos :)
    I love looking at the sky at night and seeing all the stars! I couldn't live in the city where you can't see the stars!

  2. If only I had more time to watch the skies. You're so lucky and yes it's a fun project!

  3. Oh this sounds like a wonderfully fun project. I LOVE taking photos of the sky but I am not sure I could commit to everyday, I guess that is why they are called challenges, LOL! :)

    Wishing you well, I will look forward to seeing them all, (now following :)

    Have a very Merry Christmas, cheers, T. :)

  4. Love this project!!! I will be watching you sky watch!
