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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thankful Sunday

Today I am thankful for my country - the United States of America.
I am thankful for our history (much of which I am very proud of). I am thankful for the freedoms we enjoy. I am thankful for the size and variety of environments that this country offers - from beach to mountain to desert and plain. And I am thankful for the diversity of people who call this country home. 

I found this wonderful red, white, and blue quilt in ChefMama's Shop on Etsy

I know there are many wonderful places to live around the world. Where do you live, and what are you thankful for?


  1. Our freedoms are something I am most thankful for here in the US :)
    That quilt is great...I love that style :)

  2. That quilt looks like it would be very comfy and cozy to wrap up in. I'm also thankful for this country and our freedoms even with all her problems. I'm proud to be an American!

  3. Great post. I think you covered everything. Nice quilt too!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful post and for featuring my quilt. I am honored!

    I just added your blog to my reader so I can keep up. The Bible verse you have is one of my very favorites. He does know the plans He has for us and they are good!

  5. I live in the States too and you're right, it's a great place to live!

    I know and appreciate how lucky I am. I am so thankful for my family, my pets, and a healthy life.

    And I'm thankful for my grandmother who gave me all her creativity!
