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Monday, May 2, 2011

Ponder Your Path

This weekend, my daughter and I and over 70 other women attended a Women's Advance at a Christian Conference Center in the heart of the Adirondacks.

I've been to this camp many times before, so it felt like coming home to be there again. 

The conference theme was "Ponder Your Path," and so we did.

We developed our life's mission statement, and vision.  We heard great Biblical teachings.  We ate, and fellowshipped with other women, and stayed up way too late  playing Bananagrams and eating homemade mandarin orange coconut cake.  

We even played a game of Around the World on the basketball court (which I won by the way). 

We came home relaxed, rejuvenated, refocused, and refreshed.  

It is good to stop and think about the path we are on sometimes, instead of just mindlessly going through our days, don't you think?

Thoughtfully yours,


  1. Aren't women's retreats wonderful? So nice that you and your daughter went together.

  2. Sounds lovely. That cake looks amazing - like ambrosia salad in cake form. :)

  3. Sounds like you had fun! It's nice to spend some time like that with our daughters. Do you have the recipe for that cake? It looks and sounds delicious! Two of my favorite flavors in one cake! MMMMMM!
