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Monday, April 18, 2011

Tax Day and the Latest Arrivals

It is tax day here in the U.S.  I hope you got yours done.  I was super late getting ours done this year.  To celebrate their completion, I am offering 10% off anything you like in my shop.  Just use coupon TAXDAY when you check out.

Here are a few of the newest arrivals to my shop to brighten your Monday morning. 

Happy Shopping ♥


  1. Oh the stress of it!! Congrats - it's like giving birth every year isn't it?

    Happy monday!

  2. Glad to hear you got 'em out of there - late or not. I felt like I was running behind myself this year. Something in the water, maybe? lol

  3. I finished my taxes too! I am so glad that tax season is over. Hopefully, next year I will be more organized. I hope that you have tons of sales today!

  4. Well done - I hope it wasn't a nightmare to prepare!

    And gorgeous new stuff!!!!!

  5. Oh, I need to see something as cheerful and fun as these prints to get over my 3-day tax fest! I am SO GLAD I finished early and didn't have to stand on line at the post office today, biting my nails and drinking free coffee! Good on you for finishing too. :)

  6. Pity I didn't see this yesterday! I hope you get a nice fat tax refund ☺
