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Saturday, March 19, 2011

One Quilt Finished

Some may remember my mentioning a couple of quilts my daughter and I have been working to finish up for her twin teens.  Well my daughter has finished the one she was working on, and here it is.

Two of my grands sleeping under the new quilt
The design and fabric were picked out by the teen.  My daughter said not to look too closely at the binding (one of her first attempts), but I think it turned out very well.

I guess I had better stop slacking, and finish the other one.

Happy Sewing ♥


  1. fantastic! No one should look closely at any of my early bindings either ;) - lol!

  2. Very cute.. bindings are not my favorite.. I didn't have my first binding turn out so great either. I think I need a printable tutorial to keep next to me for my next attempt.

  3. I'll take the quilt and she can practice on another...I promise not to look at the binding! The colors match my house.

  4. How pretty! I love the yellows and blues together. Great job!

  5. They're certainly ahead of me! I have never attempted that big of a project. Kudos to your daughter!
